CSV DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY INFORMATION Date: 22 August 2005 Company: N/A Contact Name: Richard Kay Email: rich at copsewood dot net CSV version Specify Internet-Draft version used as basis: http://mipassoc.org/csv/draft-ietf-marid-csv-csa-02.txt Package containing CSV: Tagspam program, including use of csv-0.3x.py by David MacQuigg (c) 8/19/05 http://copsewood.net/tagspam/index.html Software Language: Python Status Availability and How to obtain: Source code and some documentation downloadable from http://copsewood.net/tagspam/index.html Licensing Provide text of license or URL to it: Tagspam can be used together with csv-0.3x.py based on the same license as Python. Earlier versions of Tagspam were made available under the GNU Public License, version 2 or greater.